Icom Configuration Files:
This web page is designed to provide users with assistance preparing configuration files that can be loaded into their Icom D-Star radios.
A utility is available for utilising the WIA Latest Repeater list in CSV format to convert into files for loading into compatible radios written by Steve Ireland VK2MD. This saves you from having to rekey all the information and you can quickly and easily update your radio every time a new file is released. The scripts have been designed for hobbyists to be able to easily change and modify so VB Script was chosen solely for this purpose. The scripts should execute without additional work in Microsoft Windows.
For further detailed information about this utility please see the readme.txt file supplied with the script: WiaRep2 readme.txt
All the scripts and some pre-made files are contained within a zip file: WiaRep2 ZIP File from WIA
Please see the WIA website for the latest repeater data list: http://www.wia.org.au/members/repeaters/data/
Note. Up to Date ” Victorian”ICF Files for most Icom Radios are available Free from the Victorian D-Star Users group.
Thanks to Brian VK3CCR we now have ICF Files for the ID 51Plus and ID5100 with All Repeaters in Australia, Analog and D-Star with their GPS data programmed Peter VK3TQ has ICF Files for many of the older D-Star models such as U82, 91 & 92AD, 2820H & 880H
Please consider joining to group to support D-Star and VK3RWN. Please visit vk3.dstar.org.au