
All posts for the month September, 2016

Do you have your raspberry pi exposed to the internet? Have you been too lazy to change the default password? Ever thought that no person would be interested in hacking your pi? Well think again my fellow ham buddies. There are plenty of web crawlers that are more than happy to take control of your pi and repurpose it to launch attacks. Shown here are some screen shots of our ssh login screens. Attacks are a daily occurrence. Always change default passwords of gear that you are going to leave unattended and connected to the internet. Set long passwords with uppercase, lowercase and special characters.pi-hacking1

Our local reflector is DCS028Q dial DTMF D2817 or UR call DCS028QL. We have seen a bit of grow in hotspot activity over the past few months. For those that cannot directly access one of our home brew repeaters why not setup your own hotspot? The Ipswich DSTAR repeater is currently back up and running. We are about to refresh the hardware that should fix the drop off issue. Maleny DSTAR has been effected by Telstra authentication issues with the ADSL connection. This seems to have been resolved for now. Uses are reminded to use the dashboards to see what activity is going on. The links are provided here.

Ipswich VK4RBX


Maleny VK4RDSdstar-hotspot1


Blackdowns Tableland VK4RBD


Sarina VK4RUS


Mackay VK4RBY