
Inner City Brisbane now has great DSTAR coverage thanks to the new UHF DSTAR repeater VK4RSE.

See SEQRA website here: https://www.seqra.au/ for more detailed site information.

Located in the heart of Brisbane City and installed on top of the Aurora Tower, Corner Wharf and Queen St, Brisbane CBD. Dashboard link here http://www.vk4rse.seqra.au/

Frequency is 439.800MHz -7MHz offset


This repeater is linked to reflector XLX014_B. Users can link to other reflectors. The time out is 15 minutes. The Knobby DSTAR repeater near Ipswich VK4RBX ( 146.7875MHz -600KHz ) is currently also linked to the same reflector.

DTMF tones work with this repeater as it runs Pi Star.


Press PTT and if you press 0 it will tell you what reflector you are connected to

Press # this will unlink you from your current reflector.
To connect to new reflector for example REF001c
Press PTT and then press *1C
And for say REF030C *30C
For XLX Reflectors start with A
Say XLX014B=A14B
You do need to have the CQCQCQ for this to work

Many thanks for the time and effort put in by the volunteers that made this repeater happen.

The Icom ID-5100 is the best radio. Provided here is an example configuration file.


Right click on the above link an choose “save link as” and save .icf file.

This file can successfully be exported by CSV file and then imported into radios such as the ICOM ID-9700, ID-51 and ID-52.

Thanks go to Brian VK3CCR for compiling the data.

Screen shot above shows repeater lists in this Icom configuration file. Includes analog and digital repeaters together with GPS locations.

Scott, VK7HSE has let us know about repeater updates for Tasmania

These now are the current D-Star Repeaters running in Tassie

146.96250 -1.6 MHz Hobart, Lenah Valley. VK7RCR (Southern Tasmania)
438.46250 -7 MHz Launceston, Mt Arthur. VK7RJG (Northern Tasmania)
438.67500 -7 MHz Hobart, Queens Domain. VK7RAD (Southern Tasmania)
438.70000 -7 MHz Wynyard, Table Cape. VK7RAC (North-West Tasmania)

VK7RRR at Richmond has been decommisioned.

Please adjust your repeater list on your radios, GPS data can be found on the ACMA RRL Database

The MMDVM VHF repeater has been installed at the Knobby site today. The equipment is the same Tait TB8100 base station together with a new MMDVM modem. DSTAR is shared with other modes on this repeater. The default reflector is currently set to REF023_C.

146.7875MHz -600KHz

Rpt1 Rpt2


The Knobby Repeater site near Brisbane Queensland.
Tait TB8100 VHF repeater

Located at The Knobby west of Brisbane in Queensland VK4RBX is a VHF multimode repeater that supports DSTAR. This repeater has recently been removed from site to be upgraded with the latest MMDVM hardware. Shown in the pictures is the STM32 -DVM board from repeater builder in North America. This repeater is currently running under test and will be installed back at site over the next few days. The default reflector will be DCS014_B.

Reflector linking using DTMF tones is a quick and easy way to link up to reflectors. Use DTMF shortcuts to link to different reflectors. For example DTMF *23c to link to reflector REF023C. Or try DTMF D14B for DCS014B.

Sarina Range Queensland