Alright, get your head out of the sand. Stop questioning why we should do one digital mode over the other. Multimode repeaters are here. It is with great excitement that we can announce the Mackay area multimode repeater is now operational. This really is a great achievement by all the volunteers who helped this get off the ground. We encourage all other clubs to follow a similar direction and put up a multimode repeater that can fulfil the needs of just about every digital voice mode there is. There really is no excuse to not put up a digital repeater. We have been mainly testing our repeater on DSTAR and P25, and by all reports it is working great. Our setup is using a Tait TB8100, and Odroid XU4, and MMDVM modem. We also have the added bonus of a DVRPTR v1 modem also connected to the Odroid CPU. The DVRPTR v1 runs a standalone 70cm repeater and our 2m frequency runs as a multimode repeater. The modes supported on our 2m repeater are DSTAR, P25, DMR, and YAESU C4FM.
147.075MHz +600KHz
rpt 1 VK4RSA C
rpt 2 VK4RSA G