Some news from Waratah Swinston VK4BQ
VK4RBY is running under test 146.650MHz dashboard
VK4RUS Sarina DSTAR radio site commissioned 438.450MHz -5MHz. Home
brew dstar repeater using tait radios, raspberry pi 2, DVRPTRv1 modem
and VK4TUX minimal image. See for location info & also dashboard
Coming soon a DSTAR repeater on Blackdown Tableland west of Rockhampton near the mining town of Blackwater VK4RBD 146.6375MHz. This is also a home brew repeater using tait gear and an RF gateway
Koumala Hotspot VK4MKY 145.1125MHz south of Sarina
North Mackay Hotspot VK4DW 145.1375MHz with dashboard
Gympie Hotspot VK4GYM 145.150MHz located at the Gympie radio club coverage of the Gympie township, connected to REF3C
VK4RBX Ipswich has been offline for some time. Now its back online and using the VK4TUX minimal image